Bedbugs Extermination

Constituting a genuine scourge in North America and elsewhere around the world, bedbugs are among the most difficult insects to eradicate. That is why it is important to call upon professionals in bedbug extermination when you are confronted with an infestation.

Causes multiples

Whether you own or rent a house, a condo, or an apartment, our experts in bedbug extermination, holding a permit from Quebec's ministry of sustainable development, the environment, and the fight against climate change will be able to help you get rid of the infestation effectively and regain the peace of mind that you covet.

Especially preferring to reside in mattresses, bedbugs can also hide in couches, drawers, and many other places. Feeding on human blood, they can lay up to 200 larvae at a time and thereby reproduce at lightning speed if they are not controlled.

Since there can be many causes behind any one infestation (travel, relocation, etc.), bedbugs can invade any residence at one time or another and everyone is vulnerable to this problem. In other words, it is not, as many people believe, a sanitation problem.

However, to protect your privacy during treatments, our experts in bedbug extermination arrive in unmarked trucks.

Customized Services

Thoroughly familiar with bedbugs and their behaviour, our experts offer customized bedbug extermination services adapted to your situation and come back as many times as necessary to ensure that the treatments have been effective.

Indeed, sometimes, a number of treatments are required to completely eliminate bedbugs that have made themselves at home in your mattresses and other surfaces.

Providing an emergency service available 24 hours a day, our professionals in bedbug extermination are available to answer all your questions about bedbugs.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services. We serve the region of Montreal's North Shore: the cities of Laval, Repentigny, Saint-Jérôme, and many others.
